Run pada windows berfungsi untuk mencari dan membuka sistem yang ada pada windows, baik itu program, folder, file, web site, dan dapat juga digunakan untuk mengecek resource pada saat berinternet. Mungkin banyak dari kita kurang mengenal tentang run dan perintah-perintah yang digunakan untuk menjalankannya, Walaupun ada juga yang pernah menggunakan run hanya dengan mengetik cmd, regedit, msconfig dll. Padahal kata-kata tersebut adalah salah satu bagian perintah run pada windows.....
compmgmt.msc = Computer management
devmgmt.msc = Device manager
diskmgmt.msc = Disk management
dfrg.msc = Disk defrag
eventvwr.msc = Event viewer
fsmgmt.msc = Shared folders
gpedit.msc = Group policies
lusrmgr.msc = Local users and groups
perfmon.msc = Performance monitor
rsop.msc = Resultant set of policies
secpol.msc = Local security settings
services.msc = Various Services
msconfig = System Configuration Utility
regedit = Registry Editor
msinfo32 = System Information
sysedit = System Edit
win.ini = Shows current version of windows
mailto: = Opens default email client
cmd = Opens command prompt
msconfig = to configurate start up
mspaint = to open ms paint program
calc = to call calculator
access.cpl = Accessibility Controls
accwiz = Accessibility Wizard
hdwwiz.cpl = Add Hardware Wizard
appwiz.cpl = Add/Remove Programs
control admintools = Administrative Tools
acrobat = Adobe Acrobat ( if installed )
acrodist = Adobe Distiller ( if installed )
imageready = Adobe ImageReady ( if installed )
photoshop = Adobe Photoshop ( if installed )
wuaucpl.cpl = Automatic Updates
mplay32 = Basic Media Player
fsquirt = Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
ccleaner = Calculator calc Ccleaner(if installed)
c: = C: Drive
cdrtmgr.msc = Certificate Manager
charmap = Character Map
chkdsk = Check Disk Utility
clipbrd = Clipboard Viewer
cmd = Command Prompt
command = Command Prompt
dcomcnfg = Component Services
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
comp = Compare Files
control = Control Panel
shrpubw = Create a shared folder Wizard
mrt = Malicious Software Removal Tool
access.cpl = Microsoft Access ( if installed )
winchat = Microsoft Chat
excel = Microsoft Excel ( if installed )
diskpart = Microsoft Diskpart
frontpg = Microsoft Frontpage ( if installed )
moviemk = Microsoft Movie Maker
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
narrator = Microsoft Narrator
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
powerpnt = Microsoft Powerpoint
winword = Microsoft Word ( if installed )
mobsync = Microsoft Syncronization Tool
winmine = Minesweeper Game
control mouse = Mouse Properties
main.cpl = Mouse Properties
edit = MS-Dos Editor
ftp = MS-Dos FTP
nero = Nero ( if installed )
conf = Netmeeting
control netconnections = Network Connections
ncpa.cpl = Network Connections
netsetup.cpl = Network Setup Wizard
notepad = Notepad
nvtuicpl.cpl = Nview Desktop Manager ( if installed )
packager = Object Packager
odbccp32 = ODBC Data Source Administrator
odbccp32.cpl = ODBC Data Source Administrator
osk = On Screen Keyboard
ac3filter.cpl = Opens AC3 Filter ( if installed )
msimn = Outlook Express
pbrush = Paint
password.cpl = Password Properties
perfmon.msc = Performance Monitor
perfmon = Performance Monitor
telephon.cpl = Phone and Modem Options
dialer = Phone Dialer
pinball = Pinball Game
powercfg.cpl = Power Configuration
control printers = Printers and Faxes
printers = Printers Folder
eudcedit = Private Characters Editor
quicktime.cpl = Quicktime ( if installed )
quicktimeplayer = Quicktime Player ( if installed )
realplay = Real Player ( if installed )
intl.cpl = Regional Settings
regedit = Registry Editor
regedit32 = Registry Editor
rasphone = Remote Access Phonebook
mstsc = Remote Desktop
ntmsmgr.msc = Removable Storage
ntmsoprq.msc = Removable Storage Operator Requests
rsop.msc = Resultant Set of Policy ( xp pro )
sticpl.cpl = Scanners and Cameras
schedtasks = Scheduled Tasks control
wscui.cpl = Security Center
services.msc = Services
fsmgmt.msc = Shared Folders
rtcshare = Sharing Session
shutdown = Shuts Down Windows
sndrec32 = Sounds Recorder
mmsys.cpl = Sounds and Audio
spider = Spider Solitare Card Game
clicongf = SQL Client Configuration
sysedit = System Configuration Editor
msconfig = System Configuration Utility
sfc /scannow = System File Checker Utility ( Scan Immediately )
sfc /scanonce = System File Checker Utility ( Scan Once At Next Boot )
sfc /scanboot = System File Checker Utility ( Scan On Every Boot )
sfc /revert = System File Checker Utility ( Return to Default Settings)
sfc /purgecache = System File Checker Utility ( Purge File Cache )
sfc /cachesize=x = System File Checker Utility ( Set Cache Size to Size x )
sysdm.cpl = System Information msinfo32 System Properties
taskmgr = Task Manager
tcptest = TCP Tester
telnet = Telnet Client
tweakui = Tweak UI ( if installed )
nusrmgr.cpl = User Account Management
utilman = Utility Manager
C: label = Volume Serial Number for
sndvol32 = Volume Control
wab = Windows Address Book
wabmig = Windows Address Book Import Utility
ntbackup = Windows Backup Utility ( if installed )
explorer = Windows Explorer
firewall.cpl = Windows Firewall
msiexec = Windows Installer Details
magnify = Windows Magnifier
wmimgmt.msc = Windows Management Infrastructure
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
msnsgs = Windows Messenger
wiaacmgr = Windows Picture Import Wizard (Need camera connected)
syskey = Windows System Security Tool
wscript = Windows Script host settings
wupdmgr = Widnows Updte Launches
winver = Windows Version ( shows your windows version )
tourstart = Windows XP Tour Wizard
write = Wordpad